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Why an Imperfect Marriage is Your Best Option for Happiness – Part II

It may surprise you to learn that the path to a happy marriage is not to avoid conflict. In part 1 of this post, I told the story of a guy who really believed that a couple could have a long-term relationship and not have conflict. Not only is this unrealistic but I would consider it to be unhealthy. Conflict handled maturely and with sensitivity can actually strengthen a relationship.

Here are three tips for approaching conflict in a way that will strengthen your marriage and deepen the emotional intimacy between you and your partner.

Take responsibility for your part

When conflict erupts, take a step back and ask yourself what you might be contributing to the conflict. Our first inclination is to blame the other person. But, what might you be doing that is hindering efforts to resolve the issue? For example, are you insistent on getting your way? Are you raising your voice, talking down to your spouse or shaming them in order to assume a one-up position in the disagreement? Chances are good that if you are not making progress, you are making some contribution to the failed efforts to resolve the problem. Be willing to take responsibility for what you are doing, admit it, apologize and move toward a resolution. When both partners are willing to do this, it can change the whole tone and direction of the conversation.

Put your views aside temporarily

Virtually any dead-end conflict can be dramatically turned around if one partner is willing to unselfishly put their views off to the side temporarily and listen carefully to the concerns of their spouse. For example, a couple is going round and round about an issue and the more they talk the more frustrated they both become because neither feels the other is truly listening. One partner could say, “Look, we aren’t making any progress as long as we both keep trying to convince each other of our views. I really want to understand what you are trying to tell me so I will stop making my points and really tune in to what you are saying.” When an honest and sincere attempt is made to carefully listen and take your spouse seriously, it has the ability to disarm the defensive posture often taken in marital conflict. The idea then is for the other spouse to eventually reciprocate the same attentiveness while their partner explains their position. This often opens up a new way of hearing and understanding the core concerns of your mate.

Work toward emotional resolve

The most important part of conflict resolution is not the logistical outcome but the emotional resolve. It is the emotional resolve that enables the relationship to move forward, feel close and be secure. For example, if a conflict erupts over the failure of one partner to pay the bills on time, the surface resolve may be to never let this happen again. But there is an emotional component that also needs to be addressed. Perhaps in getting to that resolve to never be late with the bills, one spouse berated the other for their irresponsibility or for damaging their credit rating. There are feelings of anger, hurt and maybe disappointment about how this logistical resolve was achieved. That means more work is needed to dig out the feelings and work through them to finally put the issue to rest. A great way to do that is to use the skill learned in the second point above (putting your views aside and listening carefully to the feelings of your spouse).

Conflict is rarely easy and never fun, but it can be used effectively to strengthen a marriage relationship if approached with a willingness to own your part, listen effectively to your spouse and work out the underlying emotions that may still be lingering. And just because your first attempt doesn’t go well, you can always make another attempt. The goal is not to avoid conflict and it is certainly not to win the conflict. For conflict to have the ability to strengthen a relationship is has to be approached with humility and a willingness to repair any damage that has been done. When viewed this way, conflict is an asset for a strong and lasting relationship.

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